when your spouse spits in your face

You are human, demand to be treated like one! You know the options you have,weigh them and make moves asap! Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. [At-Tirmithi] So, if a husband treats his wife with content and despises her, especially if he did so by spitting on her face as mentioned in the question, then he was indeed wrong and sinful. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Dont be a doormat. He needs to know he can't get away with that either he should have gone ahead and hit you. Throughout that entire service, I argued with the Lord. cntrUpTag.track('cntrData', '792af70f56c54e86'); We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. So now that you have reported him to everyone and he has refused to get help or listen, what do you intend to do? @ op you are the only one that knows where the shoe pinches.am even suprised you're saying you're in england and still you dont know what to do.is there not cops that you can report to for psychological assault?do you have kids?if you do is that the type of environment you want your kids to grow in where they see daddy spits on mummy at will.you can cover up for your husband for as long as you care,when they grow to a state of knowing their left from their right,i bet you will have a lot of questions to answer.secondly am not sure you want your kids growing up in a house where they think its normal for men to spit on women.remember you are their model and they will do exactly what they see their father and mother do,you dont want your son to repeat what his uncivilized and animalistic father is doing.sit down in that pseudo marriage till he pours acid on you.shebi its still saliva on your face,he will soon upgrade.you've talked to him severally,your mom to has begged him and he hasn't changed and your number 6 is not telling you that he doesnt have any plan of changing.dont you realise that theres nothing permanent in life.its either the person gets better or worse..however if you choose to die being a mrs,there are finishing school for crude and unrefined men like your husband.you can take him there and or take him to a hospital for mental check up or report to the police if he spits on you again or stay in the marriage,endure whatever nonesense you see,raise children who will become animalistic and die there.shikena. I still get choked up remembering that day. You can't. WebGet a divorce. is breaking up the only way to make that point? document.write(""+montharray[month]+" "+daym+", "+year+""). Or have the conflicts revealed you have a fickle love that you quickly turn off when people dont respond to you the way you wished they would? But soon after our dedication, this man stood before a large convention of several thousand people and sneered at our new facility. var mydate=new Date() I would have gone to a shelter if need be. No woman with self-respect would ever allow anyone to spit in her face. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. I know what I need to do now. That is the ultimate in disrespect. Login first The couple who took my dogs GAVE THEM BACK to me, and it was the best gift I think I've EVER received in my whole life!!! Making him retract the spitting was a really clever and creative way to try to fix that wound (and well done for breaking up with him too, by the way: he sounds like a Even our then Pastor refused to believe me. }[Quran 4:19]. The Prophet said: " The best amongst yourselves, are the best to their wives. " Come join the discussion about love, romance, health, behavior, conflict resolution, care, and more! WebYour spouse should be the only one in your eye, at least on paper and as far as they know. But first they wanted to take some time to personally make sure He suffered before He died. I know that, but when it's happening that's what goes through my mind. Intentionally spitting on another person is an offensive touching that rises to the level of simple assault, the three-judge panel wrote. . Your browser does not support the audio element. Just as the Spirit of God empowered Jesus to love people consistently, regardless of what they did or didnt do, the Holy Spirit can empower you to do the same. As I sat in there, Gods Spirit spoke to my heart and instructed me to sow a sacrificial seed into their new building program. In the end, it was just talk. You have loved me with a consistent love, even in times when Ive acted badly and didnt deserve it. "Women teach men life and men teach women death." It doesn't do to act like this and then think he can just talk you into keeping him. Add your answer to this question! Get away from him because if he does this he's already crossed the line into assault and more is inevitable. Re: What Would You Do If Someone Spits In Your Wifes /mothers Face? 1 Like ; You are the CEO of your life. All quotes delayed a minimum of 15 minutes. Do with that information what you will. i thought he was over that. Um, he won't wake up to tend to his own children when they need it, he spits in your face and thinks it justified. We both have calmed down. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I have been spit on before so I understand. He poked fun at us, ridiculed us, mocked us, and put us down in front of his people. 10) Louw says the leaders of today are spitting in the face of democracy, letting down Nelson Mandela and other struggle stalwarts. But you all have got me thinking hard. I agree that where there's a will there's a way. So to the poster, why do you stay with him? +1 Spitting at someone is one of the most vile, contemptuous, degrading and disgusting things one human being can do to another. Where there is a will, there's a way. I would like to know if my husband spit in my face to punish me (even though its nothing bad that I do) is it aloud in the Islam to do that, and if not aloud will he be punished. Wishing you the best, my friend. What does it mean when your partner spits in your face? We ask Allaah to exalt his mention as well as that of his family and all his companions. 15/04/2009 12:10. It's considered far worse than punching someone in the face, for example. If I could find something else wrong with him, I might not have such a struggle with my choices. No woman with self-respect would ever allow anyone to spit in her face. I worked and continued to be homeless, living in my car and showering at my now-husband's place, while I saved money for my own dwelling. People don't get a free pass to cheat just because their marriage sucks. He will keep doing it as long as you let him. It is confirmed that the Prophet said: "Do not hit the face and do not rebuke (or bad mouth) her (i.e. I nor anyone I know has ever spit in anyone's face that is disgusting and I believe in some places it is a criminal offense. Colossians 1:28, 2023 Rick Renner Ministries. (I know the answer to that one, because I stay). Sorry, this post was deleted by the person who originally posted it. I remember feeling as if I had been spit on and as the years passed, this same pastor spit on us many more times. Matthew 26:67. if the man just hit the wife for no real reason other then the fact that he was angry then that is not forgivable but if the wife was one of those pushy bitches who refuse to let up on someone when they're in an argument and wouldn't get out of the husband's face for two seconds so he walloped her because he was being pushed to his breaking point I have been married to my hubby for 5 years now.For the past two years anytime we have disagreement or quarrel,he would spit on my face.I have had a heart to heart discussion with him to stop this disgraceful habit and he promised to stop but still did it four days ago. However, in most countries of the world, spitting on someone, especially into the face, is seen as a rude and detestable act that portrays hatred, contempt or anger towards another human being. that type of behavior is totaly unacceptable and has NO place in a marriage. Deeply regret not ending it there instead of taking another 29 years Were you stunned by his behavior? The issue I was wrestling with was giving a gift to this church that had treated us with contempt for so long. male He threw the proposal on the table, told me to never contact him again. They STILL cower when someone raises their voice. Help me become rock-solid and unwavering in my love for others, including those who havent treated me too nicely. if (year < 1000) year+=1900 3. But imagine how Jesus must have felt the night He was taken to the high priest where He was literally spit on by the guards and temple police! Finally, the Spirit of God asked me, Are you willing to sow a seed for peace with this church? WebIn that culture and time, spitting in ones face was considered to be the strongest thing you could do to show utter disgust, repugnance, dislike, or hatred for someone. Because that is what will happen if you stay. What made it even harder for me to give this gift was that this church had acted maliciously toward our church in the past. . Therefore, you should endeavour to advise your husband and remind him of Allaah, and there is no harm if you seek the help of righteous and pious people to admonish him; it might be that he will take heed and stop behaving in such a manner. Don't have an account? It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. When someone spattered his spit on another persons face, that spit was meant to humiliate, demean, debase, and shame that person. To put the seriousness of spitting into perspective, on the hierarchy of force used by security and law enforcement here it sits squarely in the realm of "put them down, hard, as quickly as possible". It started with shouting, then evolved into spitting in my face during an argument, then to throwing things around the room, then to throwing things at me and then physically attacking me. Thats abusive behaviour. Id respond exactly as if theyd hit me. A lot of the other answers read like theyre making excuses for abusers. No, out Spitting in your face as his wife is sooooooo disrespectful its not even funny. It's not too late to call the cops, I did not know that it was considered battery. Take action and make it stick, for your own well-being. It all depends if you value yourself and if you have any self-respect. Imagine how your kids are affected, if my dogs are still like this, years later. Go to our stickied post for more details. The word broken is something I can't stop thinking about. When Someone Is In Your Face Diffusing anger before it ignites. And remember, the men who were acting so hatefully toward Jesus were religious leaders! I would not continue living with him either unless he puts a stop to it. I am sure that our competitors will not like it. He's hit you before and is still excusing horrible behavior. On this one you simply have to stand up for yourself. Every time they struck Him, they were leveling a punch against the anointing. I would slap the shit out of her.What a vile action and coming from your wife, Even more disgusting. This is babaric and disgusting. The only reason that would be okay is if it was something you agreed upon before it happening, like in a sexual context. I was shocked. His love for them was unwavering unshaken and unaffected by their wrong actions. On a less formal note, it is also considered an incredibly dirty thing done only by the most vile scum. As RedState reported, the annual White House Correspondents Dinner took place on Saturday evening. [Abu Daawood] The scholars stated that the above narration is evidence that it is forbidden to hit the face when disciplining the wife. His adopted father had given us the house we lived in, and kicked me out as soon as he learned I called the cops on his son. Cherry did what she thought was best at the time, thinking her H would change. They are now dear friends, they are more than friends, they are family to me, and God only knows where I'd be without them. Only SHE gets to make a decision about her marriage, not her parents or anyone else. It just gets worse, so get out before it does. That's disrespect. If you stay, you might as well tell him to abuse you and disrespect you. At a time when this pastor could have been rejoicing with us, he chose to make it another opportunity to spit in our faces. For if Cooper had apologized, he'd have spat in the face of the integrity of Leyendecker's exquisite capture of the male form 12) they have turned their backs and spat in the face of all other Serbs, recognized Kosovo, just so they can 13) and frustrated queers who eschewed respectability in the name of a greater responsibility, spat in the face of mainstream society, and showed me that it's possible to 14) What Mambush and his wife did not know was that his act of rebellion spat in the face of that alliance. Some years ago, I visited another church in our city to hear a special speaker who had come from afar. formal<---------------|-------------X-->informal. i go sometimes with him but the bartenders wera low cut shirts and show boobs if requested, i ask him not to go without me becouse it makes me uncomfortable,i guess becouse i turned 50 so maybe its an issue wit me but anyway we have had a domestic violance case befoer. Argued for it being ok. Never did it again. Posted April 11, 2011 You are having a conversation with someone you care about and this person ICTV back in celebration of Curt's bday with the Spitting Challenge! I pulled my checkbook out of my pocket to write what I considered to be a sizable gift for this other church. . var year=mydate.getYear() Out of my own ignorance I accepted it. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If you stay, you might as well tell him to abuse you and disrespect you. That evening at the meeting, the local church I was visiting announced they would be starting a building program. Its okay to be in disbelief and its okay to grieve for the reconciliation you thought was taking place. Is that long enough to trust him, does him spitting in my face just prove he still has no respect for me? To ensure that this goal was accomplished, their own fists became their weapons of abuse. My client told me I was an idiot and that I insulted him with such a ridiculous offer. I guess only I can determine how much I can take. He's wrong, and these are the words of someone desperate who wants to act out and kick off and then be taken back, time after time, because he's wrapped up in hos own issues and actually isn;t capable of taking responsibility for a relationship where you nurture and support and care for the other person, instead of just using them as an emotional (and possibly soon enough physical) punchbag. Please modmail us with any questions. I've watched him overcome some pretty hard things in our short marriage, but I have also seen him be one of the most hateful people I've ever met and not just on crack, I've seen him sober and hateful, I.e. for the Q&A section. I walked out on my husband with a 4 month old, a 2 year old and a 4 year old when he threw a dresser drawer at me while holding the baby, after being out all night with no explanation. 8) If this gets into the hands of foreign nationals it would be an abomination and spitting in the face of all those who fought and died for this country. My H is ADHD, he grew up in a very abusive family, and honesty I think he is bipolar on some level. When I heard about this event, it hurt so badly that it cut deep into my heart. We all know we arent a perfect 10, but when you respect someone, The next time someone treats you this way, how do you think you should respond to him or her? Talk About Family, Marriage and Relationships. John 1:11 tells us, He came unto his own, and his own received him not. Although these men who spit on and hit Jesus refused to acknowledge Him, He still went to the Cross and died for them. This is a very clear sign of hatred, anger, and disrespect. Register in under one minute and get your own agony aunt column - recommended! What have I done that is so bad??? Forget the fact that he's good-looking and has a "presence" that attracts other women - that doesn't make him worth more, it actually makes him less of a keeper, because he'll think he can hold that over you to keep you in line, and he'll be more likely to cheat anyway. .. I'm sorry I don't know whether to laugh or cry at this your story. Here in the US its called assult to spit on somebody. I really am in disbelief over this. What a strange way to render thanks to One who had done so much for them! The only thing is.please do not put yourself or your children in harm's way, while making your decision. Privacy Policy | Return/Refund Policy. Notice that it wasnt just a few who spit in his face that night; the Bible says, they spit in his face. The word they refers to all the scribes and elders who were assembled for the meeting that night. No I don't want them to, this is not normal behavior, I know that. He's coming home in a hour. And it's beside the point. Also, that is assault. Make it happen. My love for people is consistent, unwavering, unshaken, and unaffected. He just couldn't stop using drugs and abusing me. what if I was mistaken when I thought it was gone?!". We used to fight constantly we have both worked on toning that down successfully but now it seems when we do fight, its over stupid **** and its brutal. If you told the man how you feel about him spitting on you and he continued to do it and you chose to stay then I'm afraid to say it but you my dear are the one who needs the counseling. He puts a stop to it behavior is totaly unacceptable and has no place in very. Moves asap a special speaker who had come from afar he ca n't stop using drugs and abusing me note! Punching Someone in the past hit Jesus refused to acknowledge him, I argued with the Lord stop thinking.... 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when your spouse spits in your face