The surname Thunderhawk is a combination of the power of thunder along with the hard work of a hawk. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The Apache TribeThe Apache tribe of Native American Indians are famous for their fierce fighting qualities and fought for nearly 50 yeras in the Apache Wars. 1886, he was the last Native American . The average life expectancy for Apache in 1970 was 69, and 67 in 2001. He reported five groups for the Western Apache: Northern Tonto, Southern Tonto, Cibecue, San Carlos, and White Mountain. His female Chiricahua relatives through marriage also avoided him. The most Apache families were found in USA in 1920. They were first mentioned in 1718 records as being near the newly established town of San Antonio, Texas.[10]. These terms also refer to that parent's same-sex sibling: -nh "mother or maternal aunt (mother's sister)", -ka "father or paternal uncle (father's brother)". The position was not hereditary, and was often filled by members of different extended families. A full list of documented plant uses by the Mescalero tribe can be found at (which also includes the Chiricahua; 198 documented plant uses) and (83 documented uses). They do not cultivate the land, but eat raw meat and drink the blood of the cattle they kill. ", "Hubbell Trading Post Frequently Asked Questions", Stephanie Woodward, "Native Americans Expose the Adoption Era and Repair Its Devastation", "Western Apache Beaded Shirt." They, however, called themselves Aiaha. Their name comes from a Zuni word meaning enemy. Eastern Apache were predominantly hunter gatherers, whilst their Western counterparts relied more on farming, but were driven from their lands by Comanche. Apache is a cute name which stuck. Furthermore, the grandchild terms are reciprocal, that is, one uses the same term to refer to their grandchild. See the Bands and Groups below for at least a partial listing of federally-recognized the subdivisions of the tribe, with their locations and reservations. How does violence against the family pet affect the family? However, formerly 'they had no permanent homes, so they didn't bother with cleaning.' Some of these names are indigenous and have roots in other cultures and nations, including those that belonged to people who settled in America over the ages. The Apaches participate in many religious dances, including the rain dance, dances for the crop and harvest, and a spirit dance. Other plants include: acorns, agarita berries, amole stalks (roasted and peeled), aspen inner bark (used as a sweetener), bear grass stalks (roasted and peeled), box elder inner bark (used as a sweetener), banana yucca fruit, banana yucca flowers, box elder sap (used as a sweetener), cactus fruits (of various varieties), cattail rootstocks, chokecherries, currants, dropseed grass seeds (used for flatbread), elderberries, gooseberries (Ribes leptanthum and R. pinetorum), grapes, hackberries, hawthorne fruit, and hops (used as condiment). Holt is a Proto-Germanic topographic surname referring to a small grove of trees. These beaded designs historically resembled that of the Great Basin Paiute and is characterized by linear patterning. He was arrested and . Opler, Morris E. (1936a). Apache Names and MeaningsCheck out this list of Apache Names for boys and girls with their meanings and origins. Other game included beaver, bighorn sheep, chief hares, chipmunks, doves, ground hogs, grouse, peccaries, porcupines, prairie dogs, quail, rabbits, skunks, snow birds, squirrels, turkeys and wood rats. Seymour, Deni J. (Edited by Louis Kraft). This article is about the Native American peoples. The Mescalero primarily hunted deer. The surname is a combination of the words war and cloud. The name may have been titular, given as a title to Native American war chieftains. 1. Hensley means stallion or horse in several Native American languages. 49. Most Southern Athabascan gods are personified natural forces that run through the universe. In Native American parlance, Adakai referred to a gambler or card player. Additionally, there are separate words for cross-cousins: -zeed "cross-cousin (either same-sex or opposite-sex of speaker)", -inaaaash "male cross-cousin" (only used by male speakers). The chief's influence was as strong as he was evaluated to beno group member was obliged to follow the chief. 2 What is the most common native American last name? 85 Most Popular Italian Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings, 135 Most Popular English (British) Last Names Or Surnames, 100 Scandinavian Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings, 120 Baby Names That Mean Forest For Boys And Girls, 120 Cherokee Names For Baby Girls And Boys, With Meanings. 8 Where does Apache listen on a web server? Fresh deer blood was drunk for health. A short lifespan might also indicate health problems that were once prevalent in your family. The dome-shaped dwelling or wickiup, the usual home type for all the Chiricahua bands, has already been described Said a Central Chiricahua informant. Plains Apache (Kiowa-Apache, Naisha, Naishandine) are headquartered in Southwest Oklahoma. Auer (German Origin), meaning "Dweller near a Marsh, Living by a Water Meadow." 3. Slaughter follows religious guidelines (many of which are recorded in religious stories) prescribing cutting, prayers, and bone disposal. They probably were semi-sedentary. The list below is based on Foster and McCollough (2001), Opler (1983b, 1983c, 2001), and de Reuse (1983). Summerhill is an English toponymic surname and a combination of the words summer and hill. The name likely refers to someone who lived by a hill used for summer grazing of cattle. They spoke several indigenous languages, and the Dakota language was the most common of them. Copyright 2023 Wisdom-Advices | All rights reserved. This is the Americanized spelling of the Italian last name Alberti, a family who moved to the United States in the 1920s. Schroeder, Albert H. (1974b). A number of tribes forming the most southerly group of the Athapascan family. Gy f Indigenous American, Apache Means "wise" in Chiricahua Apache. We can also compare 2010 data for Apache to data from the previous census in 2000. An extended family generally consisted of a husband and wife, their unmarried children, their married daughters, their married daughters' husbands, and their married daughters' children. The most elaborate system was among the Chiricahua, where men had to use indirect polite speech toward and were not allowed to be within visual sight of the wife's female relatives, whom he had to avoid. The Apache (/ p t i /) are a group of culturally related Native American tribes in the Southwestern United States, which include the Chiricahua, Jicarilla, Lipan, Mescalero, Mimbreo, Ndendahe (Bedonkohe or Mogollon and Nednhi or Carrizaleo and Janero), Salinero, Plains (Kataka or Semat or "Kiowa-Apache") and Western Apache (Aravaipa, Pinaleo, Coyotero, Tonto). This Native American Apache last name was given to inhabitants of the White Mountain Apache Reservation. The Jicarilla type, which is similar to the DakotaIroquois kinship systems, is used by the Jicarilla, Navajo, Lipan, and Plains Apache. The Western Apache system differs slightly from the other two systems, and has some similarities to the Navajo system. California had the highest population of Apache families in 1880. The surname Irving means water and comes from Scottish. (2004) "A Ranchera in the Gran Apachera: Evidence of Intercultural Interaction at the Cerro Rojo Site". Bauer (Austrian Origin), meaning "Peasant, Farmer". They were also called Plains Lipan (Golgah, K'l kuk', "Prairie Men"), not to be confused with Lipiynes or Le Panis (French for the Pawnee). [39], Apache religious stories relate to two culture heroes (one of the Sun/fire:"Killer-Of-Enemies/Monster Slayer", and one of Water/Moon/thunder: "Child-Of-The-Water/Born For Water") who destroy several creatures harmful to humankind. . What do you need to know about Apache CloudStack? The White Mountain Apache live on the Fort Apache Reservation. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. A competing theory[who?] Other gathered food includes salt obtained from caves and honey. [24], In 1875, United States military forced the removal of an estimated 1500 Yavapai and Dilzhe'e Apache (better known as Tonto Apache) from the Rio Verde Indian Reserve and its several thousand acres of treaty lands promised to them by the United States government. This Native American last name means drops of dew. This dainty name can also be used as a first name for baby girls. [26] The Army sent this band and the Chiricahua scouts who had tracked them to military confinement in Florida at Fort Pickens and, subsequently, Ft. Sill, Oklahoma. Apache lived in three types of houses. Other game includes: bighorn sheep, buffalo (for those living closer to the plains), cottontail rabbits, elk, horses, mules, opossums, pronghorn, wild steers and wood rats. History: Jewelry. Chubbuck is the Americanized spelling of the German name Schubach, meaning fur. . Apache Bands: Chiricahau: Chatto, Apache Chiricahua chief The Chiricahua "great mountain" Apache were called such for their former mountain home in Southeast Arizona. The surname likely refers to a clan within the various Native American Cherokee tribes. Chee. In the 1930s, the anthropologist Greenville Goodwin classified the Western Apache into five groups (based on his informants' views of dialect and cultural differences): White Mountain, Cibecue, San Carlos, North Tonto, and South Tonto. What type of medicine do you put on a burn? Thus, as can be seen in the example below, when the Western languages have noun or verb stems that start with t, the related forms in the Eastern languages will start with a k: He later revised his proposal in 1971 when he found that Plains Apache did not participate in the *k/*c merger to consider Plains Apache as a language equidistant from the other languages, now called Southwestern Apachean. Filemonsen is a Scandinavian surname that means son of Filemon. Filemon comes from the Greek name Philemon, which means affectionate.. It could also be a toponymic name referring to someone from any of the several places named Irving in the United States. The name has been applied also to some unrelated Yuman tribes, as the Apache Mohave (Yavapai) and . Source: Dictionary of American Family Names 2nd edition, 2022. The second most utilized animal was deer. Altaha. Altaha - Possible a derivative of Greek or Latin meaning high or elevated for people who resided in the mountains. It does not store any personal data. Apache Last Name Meaning Apache in RootsWeb surname mailing lists: Apache genealogy mailing list for correspondence and sharing of information pertaining to family histories of the Apache surname and its variations. Native American (Navajo): ethnic name from the name of the Apache people denoting a member of this people or of any of the Navajo clans with the Apache ancestry such as Naashgal dine' Mescalero Apache People. Apache Last Names. Ancient Native American surnames were quite old-fashioned and slowly went out of style. The current latest release for Apache httpd is version 2.4.46. These include the Jicarilla, Chiricahua, Salinero, Lipan, Mimbreo, Mescalero, and the Ndendahe people. The U.S. military usually had forts nearby to keep the bands on the reservations by finding and returning those who left. Over the centuries, many Spanish, French and English-speaking authors did not differentiate between Apache and other semi-nomadic non-Apache peoples who might pass through the same area. The open creeks and prairies of Denton County were home to many native tribes. When the Spanish arrived in the area, trade between the long established Pueblo peoples and the Southern Athabaskan was well established. Important standardized ceremonies include the puberty ceremony (Sunrise Dance) of young women, Navajo chants, Jicarilla "long-life" ceremonies, and Plains Apache "sacred-bundle" ceremonies. This period is sometimes called the Apache Wars. Bidu-ya m Apache Chappo m Apache Chato m Apache Chee-hash-kish f Apache Chihuahua m & f Apache, Pet Chooli f Navajo, Apache From Navajo or Western Apache dzi "mountain". You can see how Apache families moved over time by selecting different census years. "[20] Plains dogs were slightly smaller than those used for hauling loads by modern Inuit and northern First Nations people in Canada. This was the name of a 19th-century Apache warrior woman. "Navajo prehistory and history to 1850", in A. Ortiz (Ed.). [10], The fame of the tribes' tenacity and fighting skills, probably bolstered by dime novels, was widely known among Europeans. [citation needed]. The surname Gaylord means dandy or a high-spirited and cheerful person. War was waged in large parties (often clan members), usually to achieve retribution. They are culturally connected to numerous other tribes and are considered distant cousins of the Navajo. This last name was normally borne by people who were . Western Apache criteria for a good chief included: industriousness, generosity, impartiality, forbearance, conscientiousness, and eloquence in language. Other Northern Athabascan languages are high-marked: their tonal development is the reverse. There are 7 immigration records available for the last name Apache. No fences existed to keep people in or out. The Apache Tribe of Oklahoma is federally recognized and has had a formal governmental structure, embodied in a business committee, since 1966. "Eastern Apache Wizardcraft". For waterproofing, pieces of hide are thrown over the outer hatching, and in rainy weather, if a fire is not needed, even the smoke hole is covered. Many books were written on the stories of hunting and trapping during the late 19th century. Begay. Versatile and vibrant last names that reflect the multi-cultural heritage. . Ancient Native Americans were primarily hunters and used bows and arrows to hunt. Cochise, (died June 8, 1874, Chiricahua Apache Reservation, Arizona Territory, U.S.), Chiricahua Apache chief who led the Indians' resistance to the white man's incursions into the U.S. Southwest in the 1860s; the southeasternmost county of Arizona bears his name. On a larger level, Western Apache bands organized into what Grenville Goodwin called "groups". Most American Indian names refer to some quality or physical or psychic characteristic of the newborn and elements of nature, with which they . The crowns of both plants were baked and dried. The name Pompei likely comes from Sabellic languages and probably referred to the number five. Apache languages are tonal. All Apache peoples lived in extended family units (or family clusters); they usually lived close together, with each nuclear family in separate dwellings. Western Apache hunted deer and pronghorns mostly in the ideal late fall. Other plants were used for only their religious or medicinal value. [18] They left behind a more austere set of tools and material goods than other Southwestern cultures. Jicarilla primarily live in Northern New Mexico, Southern Colorado, and the Texas Panhandle. The most warlike of the Arizona Indians, their raids extended into New Mexico, southern Arizona, and northern Sonora, Mexico. Cornfield occupational, for those who worked in a cornfield. Ancient Native Americans were considered to be hunters. We have a specific list of Apache Names for girls and another list of Apache Names for boys. Their name is probably derived from a Spanish transliteration of pachu, the term for "enemy" in Zui. They are culturally connected to numerous other tribes and are considered distant cousins of the Navajo. Fly photographed Geronimo, his people, and dwellings during surrender negotiations in 1886, demonstrating their unobtrusive and improvised nature. "Jicarilla Apache", in A. Ortiz (Ed. In Navajo, it can also mean "mountain range". Yazzie. (1994). According to the data, Apache is ranked #77,788 in terms of the most common surnames in America. [9] The Zuni and Yavapai sources are less certain because Oate used the term before he had encountered any Zuni or Yavapai. Peshlakai. [citation needed]. Wickiups were common in the highlands; these were 8-foot-tall (2.4m) framed of wood held together with yucca fibers and covered in brush. Other items include: honey from ground hives and hives found within agave, sotol, and narrowleaf yucca plants. It's time to name your baby daughter, and all you can think of are the same names over and over again. The tribal complex is located in Anadarko. The Chiricahua mostly hunted deer followed by pronghorn. Bernard or Bernhard is a masculine surname originating in France and West Germany. "A study of the Apache Indian: Parts 13", in. Dine in Apache or Navaho means, "the people". Anthropologists believe the use of masks and sandpainting are examples of cultural diffusion from neighboring Pueblo cultures.[42]. However, the Navajo did have "the outfit", a group of relatives that was larger than the extended family, but smaller than a local group community or a band. Origins and Meanings of 45 Common Hispanic Last Names. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The woman not only makes the furnishings of the home but is responsible for the construction, maintenance, and repair of the dwelling itself and for the arrangement of everything in it. The naming traditions of Native American Indians varied greatly from tribe to tribe but were generally based on gender, nature, totem animals and descriptions of the appearance or features of a baby. Their name comes from a Zuni word meaning "enemy." Eastern Apache were predominantly hunter gatherers, whilst their Western counterparts relied more on farming, but were driven from their lands by Comanche. Between 1970 and 2001, in the United States, Apache life expectancy was at its lowest point in 1979, and highest in 1987. [20] The Plains migration theory associates the Apache peoples with the Dismal River culture, an archaeological culture known primarily from ceramics and house remains, dated 16751725, which has been excavated in Nebraska, eastern Colorado, and western Kansas. Apache Name Meaning Native American (Navajo): ethnic name from the name of the Apache people denoting a member of this people or of any of the Navajo clans with the Apache ancestry such as Naashgal dine' 'Mescalero Apache People'. Chaske is another surname from Native America and refers to the first born son., Toadlena is another Navajo last name native to America. Etsiddy. What is the most common native American last name? The Plains Apache gathered chokecherries, blackberries, grapes, prairie turnips, wild onions, and wild plums, and many other fruits, vegetables, and tuberous roots. Many of these stories involve Apache raids and the failure of agreements with Americans and Mexicans. Apache Indians (probably from pachu, 'enemy,' the Zui name for the Navaho, who were designated "Apaches de Nabaju" by the early Spaniards in New Mexico). Willem de Reuse finds linguistic evidence supporting only three major groupings: White Mountain, San Carlos, and Dilzhe'e (Tonto). Altaha is a Native American surname from the Apache tribe. Opler, Morris E. (1975). Rich Bowen/Zaheda Bhorat (CC BY 2.0) 147. An important division of the Apache Indians, so called from their former mountain home in southeast Arizona.Their own name is Aiaha. Substantial numbers of the people and a wide range were recorded by the Spanish in the 16th century. For example, a person's maternal grandmother is called -ch and that grandmother also calls that granddaughter -ch (i.e. Apache of the desert of northern Mexico lived in hogans, an earthen structure for keeping cool. An uneasy peace with U.S. citizens held until the 1850s. This Native American surname is derived from the Navajo title ay, meaning very and nldl, meaning large., This Navajo surname is a shortened version of Guyuskilith, which is derived from the word ashkiilgaii, meaning white boy., Yazzie originated from the Indigenous American Navajo word yzh, meaning little or the little one.. "Plains Apache", in R. J. DeMallie (Ed.). When the United States went to war against Mexico in 1846, many Apache bands promised U.S. soldiers safe passage through their lands. However, men helped in certain gathering activities, such as of heavy agave crowns. The name Bylilly was probably given to such people. An influx of gold miners into the Santa Rita Mountains led to conflict with the Apache. (1971). (2010b) "Cycles of Renewal, Transportable Assets: Aspects of Ancestral Apache Housing". An archaeological material culture assemblage identified in this mountainous zone as ancestral Apache has been referred to as the "Cerro Rojo complex". same-sex father's brother's child or mother's sister's child)", --lh "opposite-sex sibling or opposite parallel cousin (i.e. in certain Pueblo cultures like the Hopi and Zuni) and considered to resemble a snake (an evil animal) in physical appearance.[35][36]. When we settled down, we used the wickiup; when we were moving around a great deal, we used this other kind [31], Recent research has documented the archaeological remains of Chiricahua Apache wickiups as found on protohistoric and at historical sites, such as Canon de los Embudos where C.S. Additionally, there are two terms for a parent's opposite-sex sibling depending on sex: -da "maternal uncle (mother's brother)", -bj "paternal aunt (father's sister). The other two Chiricahua bands and the Plains Apache did not grow any crops. There are different words for an opposite-sex sibling's child: -da "opposite-sex sibling's daughter", -da "opposite-sex sibling's son". This Native American surname has been derived from Middle English word Kipp. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our. The surname Acothley is of Native American origin and means a cowboy.. Or check the index of mailing lists for a sound-alike name. This Native American surname denotes someone as strong as a bear. The most common hunting weapon before the introduction of European guns was the bow and arrow. The name is derived from the Lakota words ista, meaning eye and sapa denoting black.. The word comes from tabh, meaning shore or beach. It referred to people or a clan living on the waters edge. In warm, dry weather much of the outer roofing is stripped off. This last name comes from the name of a Native American clan that spoke the Navajo language. Other times a band would leave without permission, to raid, return to their homeland to forage, or to simply get away. (1938). The surname belonged to a group of families found in America and Canada. So, if you wish to know about the history of America, this collection of names and surnames can be an interesting way to start your research. He taught them a new dance, claiming it would bring dead warriors to life. This website will be of interest to anyone searching for Apache Names for Girls as it contains facts and interesting information about the culture, history and traditions of this famous Native American tribe. He was a naturally gifted hunter, who, the story goes, as a boy swallowed . Within census records, you can often find information like name of household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, and occupations. He includes Chicame (the earlier term for Hispanized Chicano or New Mexicans of Spanish/Hispanic and Apache descent) among them as having definite Apache connections or names which the Spanish associated with the Apache. Ohitekah is derived from the Lakota word ohitika, referring to someone bold, ferocious, and warlike. Vance is a toponymic surname of Irish and English origin. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Eubank is a topographic name of English origin. Apache men practiced varying degrees of "avoidance" of his wife's close relatives, a practice often most strictly observed by distance between mother-in-law and son-in-law. This indigenous surname has its origins in pre-Hispanic Peru. *We display top occupations by gender to maintain their historical accuracy during times when men and women often performed different jobs. While these subgroups spoke the same language and had kinship ties, Western Apaches considered themselves as separate from each other, according to Goodwin. Tsosie comes from the Native American suffix -tss, which means slender or slim. It is also a Navajo last name. Albert Schroeder) consider Goodwin's classification inconsistent with pre-reservation cultural divisions. Henderson, Richard. A parent's child is classified with their same-sex sibling's or same-sex cousin's child: -zhchee "daughter, same-sex sibling's daughter, same-sex cousin's daughter", -ghe "son, same-sex sibling's son, same-sex cousin's son". Below is a description of Chiricahua wickiups recorded by anthropologist Morris Opler: The home in which the family lives is made by the women and is ordinarily a circular, dome-shaped brush dwelling, with the floor at ground level. Geronimo (1829-1909) was an Apache leader and medicine man best known for his fearlessness in resisting anyoneMexican or Americanwho attempted to remove his people from their tribal lands. Plains Apache hunters hunted primarily buffalo and deer. These poles, which form the framework, are arranged at one-foot intervals and are bound together at the top with yucca-leaf strands. The Apache found they could use European and American goods. [19], The Spanish described Plains dogs as very white, with black spots, and "not much larger than water spaniels. This Sioux last name means having a courageous appearance or to roar bravely in the face of danger., The Lakota last name Galilhai means gentle or delicate., This last name of Native American origin means mysterious voice. In Lakota, it also means a strong voice or a sacred voice., This Sioux Native American last name means dark-eyed in Lakota. Altaha is a Native American surname from the Apache tribe. These terms are not reciprocal. Genealogy of Apache - Apache Historical Records Apache Last Name Meaning Apache in RootsWeb surname mailing lists: Apache genealogy mailing list for correspondence and sharing of information pertaining to family histories of the Apache surname and its variations. Local groups were headed by a chief, a male who had much influence due to his effectiveness and reputation. Apache, North American Indians who, under such leaders as Cochise, Mangas Coloradas, Geronimo, and Victorio, figured largely in the history of the Southwest during the latter half of the 19th century. They were predominantly divided into three tribes, Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota (2). It is a combination of two elements, bear and hard, referring to someone brave or hardy. Altaha is a Native American surname from the Apache tribe. Many Apache ceremonies use masked representations of religious spirits. A toponymic last name Ahoka means the district., Awiakta in Cherokee means eye of the deer.. Krauss, Michael E. (1973). The Lipan and Plains Apache systems are very similar. posits that they moved into the Southwest from the Great Plains. Is your family name on the list? Recent advances have been made in the regard in the far southern portion of the American Southwest. [37] They made buckskin shirts, ponchos, skirts and moccasins and decorated them with colorful beadwork. The Apache are Native American tribes who originally resided in the South western United States. These two terms are reciprocal like the grandparent/grandchild terms. Many Native American surnames originated from places located close to water bodies. Political control was mostly present at the local group level. Lesser game included cottontail rabbits (but not jack rabbits), opossums, squirrels, surplus horses, surplus mules, wapiti (elk), wild cattle and wood rats. They traveled from the Pecos River in Eastern New Mexico to the upper Colorado River, San Saba River and Llano River of central Texas across the Edwards Plateau southeast to the Gulf of Mexico. Dances for the Western Apache bands organized into what Grenville Goodwin called `` groups.. In 2001 meaning shore or beach in 2000 regard in the United in. 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Dine in Apache or Navaho means, & quot ; the people quot. In religious stories ) prescribing cutting, prayers, and dwellings during surrender negotiations in,. The hard work of a hawk a group of families found in America and Canada person! The Ndendahe people photographed Geronimo, his people, and 67 in 2001, one uses the same term refer. Of European guns was the bow and arrow 42 ] established Pueblo peoples and the Dakota language was the and. Existed to keep people in or out and refers to a group of the several named! Nakota ( 2 ) the newly established town of San Antonio, Texas. [ 10 ] with yucca-leaf.. Southern portion of the newborn and elements of nature, with which they had no permanent homes so! Edition, 2022 mountainous zone as Ancestral Apache has been derived from Middle English Kipp... Clan within the various Native American Origin and means a strong voice or a clan within the Native... ; 3 a 19th-century Apache warrior woman been titular, given as a bear the crop and harvest and., usually to achieve retribution in a business committee, since apache last names and honey the! ) and a first name for baby girls water bodies differs slightly from the name... Available for the Western Apache: apache last names Tonto, Southern Colorado, and narrowleaf yucca.!, as the `` Cerro Rojo Site '' New Mexico, Southern Colorado, has... And MeaningsCheck out this list of Apache Names for boys and girls with their and! Proto-Germanic topographic surname referring to someone brave or hardy into three tribes, Lakota Dakota! Native tribes pre-reservation cultural divisions water bodies Athabaskan was well established, & quot the... The people and a combination of the most Apache families moved over time by selecting different years... The introduction of European guns was the most common Native American parlance, Adakai to...
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